Street Pack
Street Pack is an episodic animated series focusing on the teenage audience. It is set in an incredible animal urban world and follows the pursuit and tribulations of the music band named Street Pack.
Red panda Jack and his owl friend Doty have always had one big dream – to break into the music industry and make a hit! But when they finally succeed, their problems have only just began... Unfortunately, their song is shamefully stolen by none other than the long-lasting music magnate Porkins! Our heroes have to embark on an adventure to fight not only him but also the disapproval of their parents and family. During their journey, they find new friends like big Singer P.N.D. and challenge enemies like Doty’s evil brother Horace.
Director’s statement
We want to create a unique animated TV series with lots of humour, music and drama which can be enjoyed by a wide-range audience, but mainly young adults. The viewers should have time enough to become acquainted with our animal heroes and dive into our incredible, yet familiar world, which is why we chose serialisation. There are three strong themes: the first one is music and all its struggles in this cut-throat industry with young artists trying to do what they love. The second theme is the wide range of animal characters inhabiting a modern city and basically struggling with the same problems as young adults, which is recognition from their surroundings. The third and most important is the family theme. We don’t choose what family we are born to, and our characters all have different relationships with their parents, siblings and friends. In the end, it always comes down to understanding and listening to one another.

Matej Holub
Work mostly known in Slovakia by name Lokal TV (brand name) – 25min episodic TV series, first animated feature movie in Slovakia called LokalFilmis, over 20 mini web series with over 1500 000 000 views on internet. Working as an director, art director, production supervisor.
Jakub Kroner
Director and producer, several feature films, TV series and director and creator of Lokal TV. his second feature film, Lóve (2011), became the box office number-one Slovak-language film of the year in his home country, while ranked the third highest-grossing ever since the independent Slovakia.
Country of production
Target audience
Animation technique
2D vector based
Production company
Inout studio