Animation Think Tank brings together high-level representatives of the animation industry from different territories and production environments to discuss topics such as international co-productions, support systems for industry and the need for producer-oriented meetings and events. The goal is to expand the network of industry representatives to provide new recommendations and solutions for building a more resilient, connected, effective and sustainable industry.

The business gathering is organized based on previous meetings, discussions, and papers such as Ljubljana Accord, Animation Matters – An Action Plan for the CEE Animation, ALICE’s appendicies and the final report of the Animar BCN conference. All these documents aim to identify industry areas that need to be improved to create a balanced and stimulating business environment.

By identifying some short- and medium-term actions to support the animation industry and considering business models that support the development and production of original intellectual property, the organizers are taking the next steps to communicate and take further steps toward realization.

The result of the gathering will be a documented action plan, which will be promoted through the industry press and distributed to industry players.

The meeting is semi-formal, chaired by CEE Animation, organized in collaboration with Animafest World Festival of Animated Film.

Animation Think Tank 2023
6 – 7 June 2023
Animafest Zagreb


Alfio Bastiancich, ItalyShowlab / ASIFA Italia

Thomas Meyer-Hermann, GermanyStudio Film Bilder

Ivan Agenjo, SpainPeekaboo Animation / Proanimats / Animation in Europe

Martin Vandas, Czech RepublicMAUR Film / FAMU / CEE Animation

Lado Skorin, Croatia3D2D Animatori / HRUP

Denis Alenti, CroatiaRECIRCLE Studio

Juraj Krasnohorsky, SlovakiaArtichoke / APAF / CEE Animation

Jure Vizjak, SloveniaInvida Production and Animation Studio / DSAF

Saša Bach, SloveniaDSAF / Animateka / CEE Animation

Matija Šturm, SloveniaDSAF / CEE Animation

Animation Think Tank is part of the CEE Animation Workshop, a project supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA.


CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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