Stop motion
Toku is an animation film production studio, a multifaceted project led by five technicians and authors united by a specific medium, stop-motion animation. We met within the Dynamotion association, which has been coordinating numerous training sessions and hosting the production of short films and animated series since its creation in 2012. We have worked on Précieux, a short film by Paul Mas produced by JSBC and nominated for the César Awards, as well as Bonjour le Monde, a project by Anne-Lise Koehler and Eric Serre, produced by Normaal Animation and awarded at the Annecy Festival. Our mission at Toku is to develop diverse and inspiring projects, to tell our world and reach as many people as possible. We are working on several original projects currently in development. We create our own tools and processes, incorporating digital technology while minimizing the environmental impact of our company.