A string of five comedy stories from the life of spiders, tied together by quite a surprising encounter.
The Websters are a spider family. Their youngest one Lili, recently started school. A new big world opened for her; full of challenges and wonders she hasn’t even dreamt about. Suddenly she is organizing the family outing to quite a dangerous spot, guarding the neighbour's herd of flies as a true helping hand, learning to jump and catch as adult spiders have to. How will she cope when a stranger that no one understands or actually wanted there, joins her class? And who can be an online friend that sounds like a nice fellow spider girl? Luckily, there are the other five Websters to always help their youngest one out. Until one day when a human girl finds Lili’s kite. A human, the biggest danger there is for spiders! Yet, Lili wants her kite back. This is a secret quest and Lili will have to be just on her own. However unlikely that might sound: a tiny spider girl and a big human one will actually become friends in the end, flying the kite together in harmony and joy.
Director’s statement
The Websters idea came from my eternal domestic struggle with spiders. They weave new webs so persistently that I couldn’t keep up with my cleaning. That made me contemplate their world, their relationships, their modus vivendi. Suddenly I saw our world human mirrored in the spiders’ one. The two seemed so similar! A web is a network of relationships, processes, family ties and friendships. I saw our world mirrored in the world of spiders.
This new feature film brings a new challenge: the actual confrontation of the two worlds. The differences in size and proportions offer not only a chance for fascinating visuals and opportunities for a unique artistic style, but also, and above all, the invitation to tell stories of cooperation and comprehension, despite paramount differences.