Adventurous tale of three children - a bookworm Marie, a half-blind boy Jan and a medium Zdenka - who stumble upon the existence of a mysterious space with world-altering power.
Jan and Marie discover a strange disease ailing a village where Jan grew up. Together, they start an investigation. They find out that the disease has no logical origin so they turn their attention to what else could be the source of this strange infliction. They find out that it all started in the house of Anna, a village wisewoman that had a rare condition. It made her look like she was covered in bark. A tree lady. Because of this and her witch-y ways, she was banished from the village. Jan, who was her apprentice, realized that when the villagers disturbed Anna’s house after she was banished, they had broken the seal in the form of a wind chime that protected it. It created a tear between the realm of dreams, that divides our world from the underworld called NAAVA. Lucky for them, Marie’s sister is a powerful medium, used to walking in dream worlds and with her help, they find out how they can reverse Anna’s ritual to save the villagers and repair the torn gates of dreams.
Director’s statement
How far is the closest adventure? Do the shadows in the forest grow long because we gaze upon them? Or do they stretch their slender fingers to secretly open the doors to the unknown while we are not looking. Opening the gates to something we can barely describe with words and instead of just feel deep within ourselves?
Set in the heart of 19th-century Austro-Hungarian Empire amidst the hundred spires of the city of Prague and its surrounding forests and fields, NAAVA aims to rediscover the belief that the place where we now live is filled with unbelievable and mystical things. They are waiting to be explored.
Our heroes delve into an adventurous and magical world inspired by European archaeology, Slavic mythology, and mysticism. Join us on our trip to the fantasy and tip your toes in a pool of mystery, imagery and adventure.
What's more, basic elements of the NAAVA could works very well as a TV special, or a pilot for TV/VOD series. We develope the project with this intention.
Country of production
Czech Republic
Target audience
Children 8+ (not gender oriented)
Animation technique
2D (vector based), stop-motion
Production company
ArkebuzaStage of the project
in development
Looking for
Co-producer, Sales agent / distributor, Broadcaster, Animation studio, Animator(s)