Student / Rising Stars



I’ll Be There When You Wake Up

რომ გაიღვიძებ დაგხვდები

Loss. The terrible feeling you have after someone you love dies. Getting used to the fact that you might never see them again. The only things that are left to comfort you are the memories

After spending their childhood with the grandmother, the dog and the granddaughter were able to sleep only if the grandmother promised to meet them in the morning. The death of their grandmother made their lives unbearably sad. They continue to live with memories of her and the hope that they will see her again when they wake up.

Director’s statement
The story is about loss and the terrible pain that comes with it. Getting used to the fact that you might never see the person ever again and, if you don't believe in afterlife, then the only thing left to comfort you are the memories of the person.


Saba Beruashvili

Country of production


Target audience

young adults, adults

Animation technique


Production company

Willem de Kooning Academie


CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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