At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War hundreds of women took arms to fight against the fascism and defend the rights they just got under the Second Republic.
After the Spanish Civil War starts, Carmela joins the militias and goes to the front as many other women did. Their fight was twofold, fighting against facism and avoiding the loss of the rights they had achieved during the Second Republic. During combat, a homemade grenade blows out Carmela’s right hand, the one she had used only a few months before to vote for the first time. After the end of the war, as the Nationalist Faction won, they will try to completely erase Carmela and her part in history.
Director’s statement
"An important fact must always be present in our daily lives and, especially in the new generations, is the knowledge of the huge effort that was made to conquer social rights and what was meant in history. It’s essential from time to time to remember or point out that certain rights - that we now understand as fundamental and obvious- are due to the simple fact of being born at a certain moment in history, which has allowed them to be acquired automatically. However, the hard fight that has allowed this, has sometimes been forgotten or simply... unknown. The importance of becoming aware of this is to value these rights and be aware of how important it’s to protect them. Carmela’s story, although inspired by the real story of other “Carmelas”, is only the symbolic representation of many of these militia women, of these fighting women. It is also the representation of all those personal and human stories. All those stories that Francoist dictatorship erased."

Country of production
Target audience
young adults
Animation technique
stop motion
Production company
PANGUR ANIMATIONProduction company
Estimated budget
Funding secured
Spain: 60.000€ Valencian Film Institute (Confirmed) 8.000€ pre-sale Valencian Public Television (Confirmed) 30.000€ ICAA (Spanish Ministry of Culture) (Pending) 20.000€ Madrid Community Funding (Pending) 27.000€ Pangur own investment (Confirmed) France: 50.000€ CNC (Pending)
Stage of the project
In pre-production
Looking for
Sales agent / distributor, Broadcaster, Animation studio