CEE Animation Forum 2024

The 12th edition of the CEE Animation Forum will take place on November 12 and 13, 2024.

Venue: Moving Station (Koperníkova 56, 301 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic)

The CEE Animation Forum is the leading regional pitching, financing and co-production event. It aims to boost the projects´ international potential, visibility and their access to a wider European market.

With our growing professional network we are building strong community with the aim to support the projects, to boost circulation of works, creative ideas and creating new partnerships, to give media exposure to selected projects through various media partners and to promote projects during the whole year, not only during the event, to follow the life of the project after Forum as well.


The main focus remains on three most important activities of Forum:

  1. Pitching competition
  2. Market
  3. One-to-one industry meetings


Pitching competition in four categories

Minimum length 60 minutes; in concept, in development or in production.

Web and TV series of any format and single films, minimum length 20 minutes; all stages of development except in concept.

Maximum length 20 minutes; all stages of development except in concept.

Maximum length 20 minutes, all stages of development except in concept.


The Market is a new innovative tool and dedicated space within the CEE Animation Forum. It provides a platform for professionals in the animation industry to showcase their animated project, engage in 1:1 meetings with decision makers and receive valuable feedback from people who can significantly move the project forward.

Designed to complement the pitching competition, the Market offers participants the opportunity to purchase accreditations for their projects at any stage of development, production, or distribution, including completed works.

By purchasing the Market Accreditation, organizers provide early access to a reservation system, enabling teams to secure meetings in advance with established European professionals from various profiles, such as producers, distributors, sales agents, broadcasters, scriptwriters, festival programmers, and market event representatives.

The Market fosters networking, collaboration, and business opportunities, facilitating the growth, visibility, and international potential of animated projects.

The fee includes 2 accreditations to the CEE Animation Forum 2024, possibility to schedule one–to–one meetings in advance, access to the programme of the CEE Animation Forum 2024, visibility of the project on the website www.ceeanimation.eu. Costs of travel and accommodation are paid by the participants.


1:1 meetings

All of the pitching teams and other professionals have the opportunity to claim direct 1:1 meetings with other professionals attending the event.

Professional audience of pitching event

The main audience of the event are established CEE, EU and international producers, creatives and industry agents from commercial, NGO and public institutions.

Audience: an invited group of decision makers (established European professionals of various profiles: producers, sales and distributors, public and private broadcasters, scriptwriters and script doctors, festival programmers, film institutions representatives, market events representatives, official partners of the event), animation professionals from EU and CEE region, press media representatives, students.

The CEE Animation Forum is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

The CEE Animation Forum is organized in collaboration with following partners. 


CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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