CEE Animation Forum 2020

6-8 October 2020

The CEE Animation Forum is the leading regional pitching, financing and co-production event focusing on the animation industry, usually held annually in Czech Republic in parallel to Anifim International Animated Film Festival.

It aims to boost the projects´ international circulation potential, visibility and their access to a wider European market. The Forum is a platform intended to present new talents and their creative work, help them find financing and distribution for their projects as well as build lasting networks of producers, creatives and international industry agents from all segments (sales, distributors, financiers, broadcasters, service providers etc.).

Due to the ongoing global situation, the event will take place online this year. 

Even with some adjustments to the new format, the focus remains on the major sections: pitching of animated projects in development and presentation of short animated films made by promising talents, CEE Animation Talents. A special emphasis is placed on 1:1 industry meetings, implementing a new online meeting platform and a match-making system.

Pitching categories


Maximum length 20 minutes; all stages of development except in concept.


Web and TV series of any format and single films, minimum length 20 minutes; all stages of development except in concept.


Minimum length 60 minutes; in concept, in development or in production.


VR, AR, 360 and other immersive formats; in development or in production.

Pitching formats

  • Shorts and XR: 5 minutes pitching presentations
  • TV projects and Features: 7 minutes pitching presentations

Professional audience of pitching event

The main audience of the event are established CEE, EU and international producers, creatives and industry agents from both, commercial, NGO and public institutions.

  • Primary audience: invited group of decision makers (established European professionals of various profiles: producers, sales and distributors, public and private broadcasters, scriptwriters and script doctors, festival programmers, film institutions representatives, market events representatives, official partners of the event), animation professionals (members of CEE national animation associations of different profiles, connected to animated film industry). 
  • Secondary audience: students

1:1 meetings

During the online event all of the pitching teams and registered professionals will have opportunity to claim direct 1:1 meetings, using a database of attendees. The platform generates direct link to virtual meeting rooms for each individual meeting and lock a slot in both participant’s schedules.

Submissions are now closed

Next call for application will be open in November 2020.

CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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