The Dog


A dramatic comedy about a cat named Dog, abandoned by his owners in an empty apartment without a livelihood, but he reminds them that those who play with cats must expect to be scratched.

When, during the evacuation, irresponsible owners pack jewelry with them but leave a beloved cat named Dog without a livelihood, he gathers all his strength in furry paws, gets a job in a barbershop, volunteers, studies laws, and confiscates an apartment for the benefit of animals that were abandoned, leaving the owners homeless, and reminding them that in a fire, between a Rembrandt and a cat, you should save the cat.

Director’s statement
This story is multifaceted. First, it reveals the theme of irresponsibility. People get animals and, having had fun, leave them to the mercy of fate. Even more shocking is that such cruel behavior extends also to children. Second, this story is about those who stayed and were forced to deal with their own issues and support others in need. Third, it is about the consequences; the Cat is ready to help everyone except those who betrayed him. Owners left him without a livelihood; Cat left them homeless. It was vital for me to show this story as any abuse is terrible not only because the other person suffers but also because he learns to be cruel to others. This work is a drama and a comedy simultaneously, as I didn't want to point a finger at something terrible and say, "Look, it's bad!" I hope the film will make the viewer think about whether they have treated those around them well and correct their mistakes before it is too late.


Oleg Nosov

Director and Scriptwriter
Mariia Ozirna

Country of production


Target audience

Teenagers, young adults

Animation technique


Production company


Estimated budget


Funding secured

37500 Ukraine


CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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