10 min.
PAM Inc.
PAM Inc.
Searching for her missing father, Julia discovers the dark secret behind Perpetual Access Memory (PAM), a brain implant that promises an elephant's memory.
In a moment of inattention, the distracted Winston is injected with Perpetual Access Memory (PAM), a brain implant that replaces his own consciousness with an enormous collective memory. At the same time, however, you lose control over your own actions, and Winston mysteriously disappears. His daughter, Julia, decides to look for him. At the headquarters of the conglomerate PAM Inc. she uncovers the secret behind her father's loss of consciousness and must take great risks in her attempt to free him.
Director’s statement
We have access to an extensive collective memory: We don’t need to remember birthdays or appointments, and the availability of information is enormous. Even though our lives are becoming easier, it puts a responsibility on us to sort out the information we can trust. When access to information becomes too centralized and one-sided, and we uncritically accept this, it makes society vulnerable. This is part of what the short film PAM Inc. explores.
Although an elephant is central to the story, the narrative revolves around two human characters, Julia and her father, Winston. Highlighting individual people, their relationships and personal destinies makes the content more intimate. This makes it easier to discover one's own position and reflect on similarities between the society in the film and our present day.
Although the film implicitly expresses concerns, almost towards the dystopian, I want to make it entertaining. There is a lot of humor and will work well for a young audience.

Country of production
Target audience
Animation technique
Production company
TrollfilmStage of the project
in development
Looking for
Co-producer, Sales agent / distributor