Shorts Distribution Workshop: A Week Filled With Invaluable Insights, New Knowledge And Connections

The Shorts Distribution Workshop took place at Animateka in Ljubljana from 25 November till 3 December and offered a rich program and the participation of key international players in the field of short film distribution, who shared their knowledge and experience with our participants.

The CEE Animation Workshop has joined forces with Luce Grosjean, co-founder and president of MIYU, France’s preeminent distribution company specializing in short original animated films to to design an in-depth and interactive workshop for anyone interested in learning more about the specifics, problems and solutions of successfully distributing short animated films.

The workshop consisted of facilitated group sessions and interactive sessions led by tutors Luce Grosjean and Juraj Krasnohorsky, as well as panels and masterclasses by Benoit Berthe (Animation Showcase, FR), Vanja Andrijević (Bonobo, HR), Wouter Jansen (Square Eyes, NL), Sydney Neter (SND Films, NL), Joanna Salecka (Alpha Panda, UK), Magdalena Drgas (New Europe Film Sales, PL), Cord Dueppe (Interfilm, DE), Valentin Rebondy (Cinema Public Films, FR), Britt Raes (BE), Joaquim Pinheiro (Agencia Curta Metragem, PL), Martina Peštaj (RTV Slovenia), Clara Benyamin (CBLF Advocats, FR), Igor Prassel (Animateka,SI), Maarten van Gageldonk (Kaboom, NL) and Mihai Mitrica (Animest, RO).

The participants of the Shorts Distribution Workshop were:

Sanja Borčič, Zagreb Film, HR

Nastja Kotnik Minik, Reeverse Studios, SI

Dominika Szoznyák, MOME Anim, HU

Esma Hajdarpašić, Staragara, SI

Wiktoria Chruslinska & Ewa Dybal, Studio Filmów Rysunkowych, PL

Maja Zupanc, Invida, SI

Adriana Belešova, 13ka, CZ

Lucia Dubravay-Trautenberger, Bibiana, SK

Jaka Strnad, DSAF / 2 koluta / SFC, SI

Anna Głowińska, Animoon, PL


The Shorts Distribution Workshop is organized by CEE Animation Workshop and Luce Grosjean in cooperation with the Slovenian Animation Association – DSAF, the Slovak Association of Animation Producers – APAF and Animateka International Animated Film Festival.

The project is supported by AIPA and the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. This project is co-financed by GO! 2025 – European Capital of Culture, Nova Gorica.



CEE Animation is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organisations from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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